Saturday, August 12, 2006

Ginny's Mater movie

I spent the afternoon showing my four-year-old how to make stop motion movies and the rest of the day trying to figure out Youtube. Here's her first effort ( and mine).


Thursday, August 10, 2006

Tough Guy

Here's a quick warm-up that I did on the Cintiq today. Kevin asked if there was any lag time and the answer is "it depends." First of all I am running Photoshop 7 on my 1.67 GHz Powerbook with 1 GB of ram and the Cintiq runs great! However, I'm mainly doing storyboard sketches with very simple brushes. I find that (obviously) the larger the file and more bells and whistles on the brushes (scattering, texture, color dynamics, etc.) the more lag I get. The other thing is with my method of drawing, I use a lot of short strokes rather than long fluid strokes. When I do make a long stroke, it can take a beat to catch up. Still experimenting. more soon.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I'm back!

Yeah, I know it’s been ages since I posted, but I have been slammed with work for the past few months! Not only have I been working full time as the associate artistic coordinator on a video game called The Act (check it out. It’s pretty cool.) I’ve been helping to storyboard a new Veggie Tales movie set to be released in 2008 (a lot of fun and great people to work with). But now the storyboards are finished and I was laid off from the real job and theoretically have more time to blog. Right?

So the latest news is I bought a Cintiq. My four year hold thinks it’s daddy’s new Magnadoodle (and she’s probably right). I did my last batch of storyboards for Big Idea on it as well as a couple of other freelance gigs and I have to say, it’s pretty sweet. Couldn’t have made some of those deadlines without it.

So after a week of resting up, I’ll be jumping into a few things that I’ve wanted to do for a while now, including getting the ball rolling on Lucky again.

So for anyone who may still be out there, I’ll be back soon. Really.